This is Creative Enterprise CIC has a duty to develop and publish policies and procedures in order to supply to educational institutions, safeguard young people and present the continual promise of professionalism we promote. Each year, our evaluation includes the review of our policy, this includes:
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to This is Creative Enterprise CIC in developing, implementing and reviewing operational policy, procedures and supporting documents.
This policy applies to all board members, staff and volunteers of This is Creative Enterprise C.I.C. This policy provides guidance to all staff, volunteers, students, and the Board of Directors. It encompasses but is not limited to, how to identify the need for a policy and the steps to be undertaken in developing, implementing and reviewing policy and procedures. This policy does not provide guidance on the content of individual policies and procedures or replace the need for inclusion and consultation of stakeholders in Policy Development and Review. It may be necessary to review procedures more frequently than polices, due to the need for operational precision and to ensure that they accurately reflect the dynamic nature of the work undertaken by the organisation.
Policy is a concise formal statement or framework outlining what This is Creative Enterprise C.I.C adheres to and aims to achieve. Policies are principles, rules, and guidelines formulated or adopted by an organisation, so it can attain it’s long-term goals. They are typically published in a manual or booklet or other form that is widely accessible, and in our case, being available online.
A procedure is the detail of how a This is Creative Enterprise C.I.C policy is to be achieved. Procedures are the specific methods employed to express policies in actioning the day-to-day operations of the organisation.
Our policies and procedures are designed to impact on all major decisions and actions, and all activities take place within the boundaries set by them. The work being achieved and decisions made by the organisation should be reflected in the procedures and may be used as an accountability tool if the need arises. It should be noted that This is Creative Enterprise C.I.C or its representatives may act outside a procedure or guidelines however decision making should be in line with the policies, values and mission of the organisation.
Supporting documents are tools that support consistency in implementing policy and procedures, e.g. templates, forms, checklists. Written information may be attached to agreements, financial statements, offers, proposals, etc., to provide backup and depth to agreed-upon or discussed items.
Policies and procedures may be informed by legal and regulatory requirements, industry standards, and This is Creative Enterprise’s guiding principles, mission, values, and strategic and operational plans.
Policies and procedures guide best practice (rather than practice driving policies) and will be used when a decision outside of the scope of standard practice is required.
Policies and procedures are written in plain English to ensure that all relevant parties (staff, volunteers, etc.) are able to apply them in their various capacities.
Policies and procedures are the responsibility of all parties to ensure they are applied, reviewed and reflect current practice.
Policies and procedures are relevant, available and accessible to all people who may have an interest in, or be affected by, them.
Policies and procedures are the basis of This is Creative Enterprise’s quality program, and as such are subject to continuous review and improvement.
This is Creative Enterprise’s operations are supported by relevant and consistent policies, procedures and supporting documents.
This is Creative Enterprise's policies and procedures consider their relationship to, and impact on, consumers, schools, young people, other stakeholders, staff and the Board of Directors. It is intended that the organisation develops rigorous but pragmatic methods for developing and measuring the qualitative and quantitative difference that the planned interventions make to the end users. These may be changes in the health status of an individual, group or population.
The interventions may include government policies and consequent programmes, laws and regulations, standards, the provision of clinical and non clinical services and other programmes, such as those addressing health promotion.
All staff and the Board of Directors understand their roles and responsibilities in relation to policy development, implementation and review. Volunteers are orientated to relevant policy and procedures as part of standard induction.
Policy and procedures are easily accessible by all relevant parties when required. This may be in both a hard copy and electronic format.
Policy and procedures is a standing agenda item for This is Creative Enterprise staff meetings to discuss any relevant issues or to highlight any changes to current practice as decided in policy, procedures or supporting documentation.
When reviewing This is Creative Enterprise's policies and procedures, consideration is given to this Policy Development and Review Policy to reflect changes in policy and procedure templates.
This policy is developed in consultation with all employees and approved by the Board of Directors.
All employees are responsible for understanding and adhering to this policy. Volunteers are aware of relevant policy and procedures as they apply to their work within the organisation.
This is Creative Enterprise develops, implements and reviews policies and procedures with the aim of providing a framework for management of the organisation. Policies and procedures provide clarity in roles, responsibilities and rationale for schools, young people, Board members, staff, and stakeholders in how business is carried out.
The need for a policy can be identified by any This is Creative Enterprise employee, consumer, Board member, volunteers, other stakeholder.
Triggers for development of a new, and/or review of an existing, policy and/or procedure may include:
This is Creative Enterprise has mechanisms in place that allow for the spontaneous expression of the need for change in or review of a policy, for example, Service improvement forms, or web based input. Once a policy need is identified, preliminary consideration is given to why the policy is needed, who it will affect, and the relationship with other policies. There will also be a way of indicating relative priority for the review.
A lead author (may also be known as the /person initiating is identified based on the best fit with the person’s role, skill and capacity. They are responsible for undertaking the policy research and analysis, preparation of drafts, consultation and final writing of the documents developed in consultation with relevant stakeholder(s) who will be affected by the policy/procedure.
The lead author may involve consumers, schools, other stakeholders, staff or volunteers to develop the policy as a team.
The lead author undertakes research on the policy topic to inform the development of the specific policy. Issues for consideration include:
Following stakeholder consultation, incorporating staff comments and suggestions and any new information that arises, the lead author is to prepare final draft policies, procedures and supporting documents. If there has been significant change to the policy intent and content, second consultation with staff is recommended. If changes to content have been less significant, the final draft policy is considered ready for review and endorsement by the Board of Directors.
Once the policy has been endorsed by the Board of Directors, the lead author is to complete the front page of the policy with details of approval date, date of issue and date for review. Related procedures and supporting documents are to be made final.
The intent of This is Creative Enterprise's operational policies, procedures and supporting documents is to guide best practice, rather than practice driving policy. This is Creative Enterprise’s practice is evolving and dynamic and responds to the changing population and demographic it serves. The purpose of policies and procedures are to underpin the work achieved by This is Creative Enterprise and ensure accountability across services.
Created by @TICEUK